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Our theme for the first autumn half term is Gods and Mortals!


This will be a history focused unit based around Ancient Greece and filled with exciting opportunities along the way.  We are really looking forward to our memorable experience during the first week, as we all be competing in our own mini Olympics, listening to traditional Greek music from the time and doing some amazing art work designing our own Greek inspired Greek pots!



We will be looking at myths and legends from Ancient Greece and even having a go at writing our own!

Love to Read:

Our quality text this half term will be Greek Myths from Usborne.


This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in the following areas: place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division.We will also be practising our times tables every day. 



Excitingly, we get to explore light, using a range of different experiments. 



What do we learn from the Creation Story?

What is the Trinity?



Outdoor PE will be football this half term, learning lots of new skills. Indoor PE will be health related exercise, which will help us keep our bodies healthy!


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language with a focus on 'getting to know you'

British Value focus:

Mutual respect and tolerance

Christian Value focus: 
