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Our theme for Summer 1 is Remarkable Romans. This will be a history focused unit during which we will learn about life in Ancient Roman times. 



We will be looking at adventure stories, non-chronological reports and free-verse poetry during this half term, linking to our history focus of Remarkable Romans!

Love to Read: 

Our class text this half term will be Terry Deary's Roman Tales: The Goose Guards.



This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in the following areas: addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; fractions, and time.


We will be continuing our investigation looking animals, including humans.


We will be exploring the question 'How and why do some religions see life as a journey' making links between Christianity, Islam and our own lives.

This is our big question for RE which we will be able to answer by the end of the half term.


Outdoor PE will be cricket this half term and indoor PE will be swimming.

PE days will be Monday's and Thursday's.


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language with a focus on ‘school vocabulary’ and telling the time.  

British Value focus:

Mutual respect and tolerance.

Christian Value focus: 
