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3 and 4 L

Out topic this half term is Tribal Tales. We will be learning about life in Ancient Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.


Excitingly, we will be writing our own setting descriptions, adventure stories and non-chronological reports.

Love to Read:

Our text this term will be Stig of the Dump by Clive King.


This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in the following areas: place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division.


This half term, we get to explore different states of matter using a range of different experiments. 


What do Christians learn from the creation story?

What is the Trinity?

These are our big questions for RE which we will be able to answer by the end of the half term.


Outdoor PE will be football this half term, learning lots of new skills. Indoor PE will be health related exercise, which will help us keep our bodies healthy!

Indoor PE will be on a Tuesday and outdoor PE on a Wednesday.


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language with a focus on 'getting to know you' for year 3 and 'all around town' for year 4.

British Value focus:

Mutual respect and tolerance

Christian Value focus: 



This is a really important part of your child's development and helps them across all curriculum areas. At Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School, we love reading and encourage all children to read for pleasure at home at least four times a week. Parents are asked to record this in the child's reading diary. It is important to check your child's understanding of the text by asking them questions about the text they are reading (question prompts will be stuck into their diary).