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Spring term 1

Now we have been in year 3 and 4 since September, I am very much looking forward to seeing the progress we will make over the Spring Term.

Our new class text is The Firework Maker's Daughter, which is an exciting book about Lila and her adventures to Mount Merapi. It is full of hilarious characters and takes us to some fabulous locations. 

This text links to our English units where we will be learning how to write diary entries, using the The Firework maker's Daughter story as a stimulus. We will also look at explanation texts and will link them to our very exciting Geography project on volcanoes.

Our Christian value for this half term is perseverance and we will focus on this during our class worship sessions, alongside our Religious Education (RE) topic, which is titled 'What kind of world did Jesus want?' This is the question we will be able to answer by the end of the half term.  

Our British value this half term will focus on mutual respect and tolerance.

We have a very exciting Geography Cornerstones unit based on Volcanoes. This unit will teach the children about how volcanoes are formed, where we find them and being able to locate them using lines of longitude and latitude.  

Maths focuses in greater detail on fractions as well as consolidating the four operations. Please encourage your children to use Times Table Rockstars regularly, as rapid recall of times table knowledge, supports their learning in the classroom.

In Science, we will be looking at developing our scientific skills using a range of different exciting experiments.

Physical Education (PE) will focus on Gymnastics and Tennis. 

In our French lessons we will be covering the topic: Food, Glorious Food. Our weekly MFL sessions will focus on colours and hobbies.

Thank you for your continued support.  We very much appreciate all the home reading, spelling practise and your efforts in supporting the children with their homework - Thank you.