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Over the first half of the Autumn Term we will be focusing on :

History: This half term, we’re travelling back to 1066, probably the most famous date in English history. These are troubled times and there is danger afoot. A much-loved king is dead and a French Duke has staked a claim for our kingdom. Discover a changing England, shaped by shires, protected by castles and ruled by foreign knights.


Reading: This is a really important part of your child's development and helps them across all curriculum areas. At WWJS, we love reading and encourage the children to read for pleasure at home at least three times a week. It is important to check your child’s understanding of the text by asking them questions about the text which they are reading. Alongside reading for pleasure, we also take part in reading lessons within class, where the children focus on a reading domain each week and answer comprehension questions based on what they have read. 


Writing: We will be writing a range of genres this half term, including a poetry unit. The children will focus on Tetractys poems, soliloquys and instruction writing. As well as this, each week we have a dedicated handwriting session to develop cursive joined handwriting.


P.E.: PE is a fundamental part of our curriculum and gives children the opportunity to learn new skills and work as part of a team outside the classroom environment. Children are to come in dressed in their P.E clothes on our P.E days which are Wednesday and Thursday this half term.