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Autumn Term 2


This half term we are getting into the Christmas spirit and reading ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. I am very excited about this as it's one of my favourite novels!

We will also be looking at the works of Lesley Sims.  We will continue to encourage reading for pleasure and will also be working on our inferencing and predicting skills in our comprehension lessons.


As well as a dedicated cursive handwriting session every week, we will have a great time this half term writing adventure stories, free verse poetry and explanation texts! 



We will be continuing to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and will also be looking at length and perimeter.



Electricity will be the next topic in year 4. It is a very exciting topic where the children will be able to explore making circuits using the school's electricity kits.

The research station will always be set up in the classroom so that we can continue to find out more information about this amazing universe and everything in it!



This half term we will be finding out what it means to be a Sikh in Britain today.

DT: This half term, we will be DT textile designers! Over the course of this unit, we will research, create and evaluate Christmas stockings. We will be learning a range of sewing techniques, using pattern templates and creating an appealing product for a target consumer.



Topics this half term include e-safety and audio editing.


This half term's Christian value is: Trust

PSHE: The next Jigsaw unit will focus on celebrating differences.


In PE this half term we will be learning dance and hockey. We have some very enthusiastic dancers in the class, including the teachers, so this will be great fun!

PE kit will need to be worn on Mondays and Thursdays.