Spring 2
Love to Read: This half term, our book is War of the World’s by H.G. Wells.
This story tells us the tale of a Martian invasion London, told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator. As we read, we see the narrator face these creatures as he narrowly escapes the tumultuous events.
English: English this half term will begin with Biographies. This will allow us to delve into the life of Pop-Artist Andy Warhol as we research everything about him and write his biography. This will be followed by our very own Mystery Stories, using the suspense and tension that we see in War of the Worlds, we’ll be writing our own mysterious tales.
Art: This half term we will be focusing on Art, specifically Time Traveller! We will start by looking at portraiture and will use sketching and shading techniques to draw our own self-portraits. We will then take inspiration from Pop Art and make out portraits pop with colour. Following this, we will be delving into sculpture where we will be taking influence from Salvador Dali to create our own clay clocks.
Maths: Throughout this half term, we will be exploring the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), and some more on fractions before starting decimals and percentages!
RE: Our question for RE this half term is What Would Jesus Do? In this unit, we consider the Christian view that Jesus guides us on how to live a good, moral life.
PSHEE: This half term we will be focusing on Healthy Me. Here, we will consider what it means to be healthy, both physically and mentally.
PE: Our Indoor PE this half term is Types of Training, while our Outdoor PE is Orienteering!
MFL: Our Modern Foreign Language is French, and we will be learning about food and drink.
British Value focus: Democracy, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance