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Welcome to the Summer Term! Here's a bit about what we'll be getting up to in Year 5 this half term.


Love to Read: This half term, our book is Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

This story follows the adventures of Mole as he discovers a river for the first time, along with an abundance of new woodland creature friends.

English: English this half term will begin with Instructions, for which the pupils will be writing their own set of instructions. This will then be followed by a non-chronological report that links to our Geography unit, and finally, they will be writing a Newspaper Report, based around our class book.


Geography: This half term we will be focusing on Geography! We will start by exploring the River Severn on our Memorable Experience trip on the Sabrina Boat in Shrewsbury! Then, the pupils will be learning all about mountain formation, river features and key geographical skills.

Maths: Throughout this half term, we will be revisiting the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), before delving further into decimals. Then, we will introduce time and converting units!


RE: Our question for RE this half term is What Does It Mean If God is Loving and Holy? We will exploring what God means to different people and what He represents.


PSHEE: This half term we will be focusing on Relationships. Here, we will consider what a healthy relationship looks like and we will consider how relationships can be formed online, taking into account the safety requirements for this.


PE: Our Indoor PE this half term is Multi-Skills, while our Outdoor PE is Rounders!


MFL: Our Modern Foreign Language is French, and we will be learning about school vocabulary, such as objects and subjects.

British Value focus: Mutual Respect and Tolerance


Christian Value: Friendship