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Summer Term 2

This half term, our unit of work is called ‘Alchemy Island’, where we will be immersed in the atmospheric music and sounds of a fictional island!


During this half term’s Maths, we will be looking at converting units of measurement and time, as well as position, direction and properties of shapes.


For English, we will be using our imagination and descriptive writing skills to write a mesmerising fantasy novel. Following this we will be writing and performing our own free-verse poetry, and finally, we will be creating innovative, gripping graphic novels!

Love to Read:

We will be reading ‘Earthsea: A Wizard of Earthsea’ by Ursula K Le Guin which follows a character named ‘Duny’, who discovers that he has great, innate power. Once he has learned how to harness this power, Duny must overcome a multitude of challenges.


For Outdoor P.E. we will be practising our Athletics skills, so we need to master balance and stamina! Then, for Indoor P.E., the children will be taking part in Swimming!

British Value Focus:

Reminding ourselves of all the values we have

covered this year.

Christian Value:
