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Summer Term 1

This half term, our unit of work is called ‘Misty Mountains, Winding River’, in which we will be exploring maps, water cycles, human and physical features, as well as rivers!




During this half term’s Maths, we will be looking at the four main operations, decimals and volume!



For English, we will firstly be learning how to write a set of instructions. This will then be followed by the chance to write a Non-Chronological Report! 


Love to Read:

We will be reading ‘The Wind in the Willows’ by  Kenneth Grahame which follows Mole on his adventures, where he meets new friends Rat, Toad and Badger and experiences things he never would have imagined!



For Outdoor P.E. we will be playing Rounders! For Indoor P.E. we will be learning multi-skills to develop agility and coordination.  


British Value Focus:

Mutual Respect and Tolerance


Christian Value:


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