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Spring 1

We hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas break and are really looking forward to this half term in year 6!

Our Christian value for this half term is courage, which we will be learning about in our class worship sessions alongside our RE topic called ‘How do Hadith guide Muslims through the journey of life?’ Our new class text is ‘Call of the Wild’, a story about a dog called Buck and his adventures in Alaska which will link to our English lessons where we are focusing on persuasive texts and the horror genre, using visual literacy as a stimulus. We are studying the geography unit of ‘Frozen Kingdom’ in some of our afternoon sessions, which incorporates studies about Antarctica and the Arctic circle as well as comparing the human and physical geography of these regions with the UK. As part of our maths work, we will study algebra and look in further detail at fractions, decimals and percentages. During PE, we will be carrying out gymnastic and tennis activities and in our French sessions we will be covering the topic: ‘This is France’ as well as looking at hobbies and colours in more focus.

Thank you for your continued support. We have been especially appreciative of all the reading at home and your efforts in supporting the children with their homework - Thank you 😊