Autumn 2
Love to Read: Our class book this half term is The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas.
When all the jobs on the quayside disappear, Stanley's Uncle Ernie comes up with a new money-making scheme, transforming the family home into a fish cannery. Stanley's life becomes a frantic whirl of 6am starts, and the house is full of the stench of mackerel and the clang of machinery.
English: During English for this half term, we will have the chance to create our very own adverts for our own imaginary ride, explanation texts of how a rollercoaster works and a beautiful Haiku poem all about rollercoasters!
DT: This half term we will be focusing on DT, which is all about rollercoasters! We will be designing, making, and evaluating our very own mechanical Ferris Wheels, which we will make from lollipop sticks! Alongside this, we will be using computer programming to pair our Ferris Wheels to a working computer-programmed motor.
Maths: Throughout this half term, we will be learning all about perimeter and area, statistics and fractions!
RE: Our big question for this half term is Was Jesus the Messiah? We will learning all about incarnations, prophets and prophecies.
PE: Our Indoor PE is dance, and our Outdoor PE is hockey!
MFL: Our language is French, and we are learning numbers and letters!
Computing: We will be learning all about physical computing, using equipment such as Crumble controllers and Lego WEDO!
Christian Value: Love: Friendship.
British Values: Rule of Law, Democracy and Individual Liberty.