• Welcome to our school website. If you have any questions, please call the school office on 01952 387880 Monday to Friday


Welcome to 3G!




I am delighted to be teaching Year 3 this year and look forward to our learning journey. Alongside myself, we will have the fantastic support of Mrs Colliss and Mrs Neale.


A little bit about me...

I love spending lots of time with my little boy Billy, especially swimming and going on dog walks around the countryside with my little dog, Betty. My favourite hobby is baking and I am currently working on my sister's wedding cake! 


Below you will find some important information about 3G. During each half term, I will also be updating the class page with important curriculum information.


Reading: This is a really important part of your child's development and helps them across all curriculum areas. At Wrockwardine Wood Juniors, we love reading and encourage the children to read for pleasure at home at least three times a week. Parents are asked to record this in the reading diary. It is important to check your child’s understanding of the text by asking them questions about the text which they are reading (question prompts will be stuck into their diary if you are unsure of what to ask).


Maths: Being a confident mathematician is an important life skill and one way in which children can become more confident is to be fluent in their times tables. Children will practise their times tables weekly in class, however, any extra opportunity to practise is always encouraged! This can be done using their Times Tables Rockstars Login, where they can play engaging games and score points to progress their Rockstar status!



P.E.: PE is a fundamental part of our curriculum and gives children the opportunity to learn new skills and work as part of a team outside the classroom environment. Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on PE days.


Thank you

Miss Giles.