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RSHE at Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School

RSHE, including biological aspects of RSE, are taught within our personal, social, health and economic (PSHEE) education curriculum. In year 5, additional biological aspects of RSE are taught within the science curriculum. Other aspects of RSE are also taught within our RE curriculum.

At Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School, our Relationships education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships including:

  • Families and people who care for me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe

Our Health Education has a strong focus on emotional and mental health and wellbeing. This is taught through the following content:

  • Mental wellbeing
  • Internet Safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy Eating
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body

It is important to explain that whilst our Relationship unit covers most of the statutory Relationships Education, some of the outcomes are also taught elsewhere across the year, for example, in our Celebrating Difference unit, which helps children appreciate that there are many types of family composition and that each is important to the children involved. This holistic approach ensures the learning is reinforced through the year and across the curriculum.

Whilst the Healthy Me unit covers most of the statutory Health Education, some of the outcomes are taught elsewhere in our curriculum, using a wide range of resources.

Teaching children about puberty is now a statutory requirement, which sits within the Health Education part of the DfE guidance within the ‘Changing adolescent body’ strand. At Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School, this is taught as part of our Changing Me unit.

The DfE Guidance 2019 (p.23) recommends that all primary schools ‘have a sex education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the pupils.  Schools are to determine the content of sex education at primary school. Sex education ‘should ensure that both boys and girls are prepared for the changes that adolescence brings and – drawing on knowledge of the human life cycle set out in the national curriculum for science - how a baby is conceived and born’.

At Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School, we believe that our children should understand the facts about human reproduction, before they leave primary school. Therefore, a Human Development unit will also be taught in Year 5 as part of the statutory science curriculum, using Engaging Science and Living and Growing resources.

These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life, taking care to ensure that there is no stigmatisation of children based on their home circumstances (families can include single parent families, LGBT parents, families headed by grandparents, adoptive parents, foster parents/carers amongst other structures) along with reflecting sensitively that some children may have a different structure of support around them (for example: looked after children or young carers).

For more information on our RSHE curriculum, please click on the links below:

PSHEE and RSHE Progression Grid

RSHE Content Overview

CSE Content Overview

RSHE Policy

RSHE Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact