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Love to Read: This half term, our book is A Wizard of Earthsea.

After attending a school for wizards, Ged unleashes a shadow creature during a pride-driven spell gone wrong, which he must then confront. The novel is not just an adventure but also a tale of personal growth, as Ged learns the importance of understanding and mastering himself before he can master the outer world.

English: English this half term will begin with writing our own Fantasy Narrative based on A Wizard of Earthsea. We will then turn these gripping fantasy stories into our very own graphic novels. Alongside this, we will have a week for Free Verse Poetry and a week to delve into the world of Shakespeare.


Music: This half term, our Music unit is all about Film Music. We will be looking at some influential composers, such as Hans Zimmer and John Williams. We will also have the opportunity to collaborate and compose our own song, using musical elements and instruments. For our memorable experience, we our lucky to have Music Heroes in for a concert!


Maths: Throughout this half term, we will mainly be looking at position and direction, properties of shape, money and volume.


RE: This half term, we will be looking at a range of faiths as we consider the question for RE this half term is ‘What will make our community a more respectful place?’


PSHEE: This half term we will be focusing on RHSE. Our unit is called ‘Changing Me’.


PE: Our Indoor PE this half term is swimming, however, due to the pool closure, we are learning about water safety, while our Outdoor PE is Athletics.


MFL: Our Modern Foreign Language is French, and we will be learning about Family, Friends, and Common Places. Our MFL Day will be all about Time.


Computing: We will be looking at video production!


British Value focus: Mutual Respect and Tolerance, Democracy and Individual Liberty and Rule of Law.


Christian Value: Courage