• Welcome to our school website. If you have any questions, please call the school office on 01952 387880 Monday to Friday

Every Year our School publishes a Whole School Improvement Plan which outlines our strengths and our development areas for the year ahead. Below are links to each Summary page (they will open in a new window) which will give you a pictorial breakdown of what our targets for the following year are in every subject within school. Every Curriculum Manager contributes to school improvement in order to drive standards upwards and reach new heights together. We hope you find our School Improvement Summaries useful in understanding the future direction of Wrockwardine Wood Ce Junior School. Your feedback has been invaluable this year and this has also helped us to form new priorities for the year ahead.


















English Priorates

Maths Priorities

Science Priorities

RE Priorities

Computing Priorities

Geography Priorities

History Priorities

Art Priorities

PE Priorities

Music Priorities

MFL Priorities

PSHCET Priorities

Design and Technology Priorities

Forest School Priorities

SEND Priorities

Pastoral Priorities