• Welcome to our school website. If you have any questions, please call the school office on 01952 387880 Monday to Friday


We want our children to look smart when at school and feel proud to wear their uniform. The Governing Body of Wrockwardine Wood CE Junior School have agreed that school uniform should be worn at all times in school.  

Our uniform policy is outlined below. We expect all our children to wear a school sweatshirt or cardigan carrying our logo. School sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo on can be purchased from the front office using the order form. We try our best to keep the cost as low as possible for these items.

Please note that all children will need to wear black shoes unless on a PE day when they will be asked to come into school in their PE kit/trainers for the whole day.

Main Uniform

  • Black or grey skirt or pinafore dress. Skirt should be knee length
  • Black or grey trousers or shorts (not PE shorts) 
  • White polo-shirt or shirt
  • Blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo
  • White knee length or ankle socks for girls, grey tights in winter
  • Grey or black socks for boys
  • Black shoes or black boots in winter – very low heels
  • Navy blue checked summer dress or shorts

If a child is not wearing the correct uniform, you will be notified by telephone in the first instance then on repeat incidents via letter.

PE – to be worn to school on PE Days

  • White plain t-shirt
  • Blue or black shorts or skort (no branding)
  • Plain navy blue or black sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms/leggings (no zips, hoodies or branding)
  • Trainers
  • Football boots (optional) – as plain as possible

The school will provide a separate PE kit for pupils when participating in sports festivals or competitions.

Children with long hair must have it tied back for PE lessons to prevent accidents and all children must remove any jewellery before participation.

Incorrect/inappropriate Uniform

If a child comes to school in uniform which is not school policy, then the school uniform policy will be followed (see separate policy). In the first instance, the child will be reminded of the correct uniform and a letter sent home to parents. If the child continues to wear incorrect uniform, then their parents will be called to discuss this. Children will be offered alternative school provided uniform to wear for that day. If a child wears inappropriate uniform (football kits, T shirts with slogans or clothing which exposes the midriff/or is too short), the parents will be called immediately and asked to bring in alternative uniform or give permission for their child to borrow uniform provided by school. If the inappropriate uniform is not corrected, the child will not be allowed in the class.

In exceptional circumstances, an agreement can be made by speaking directly with the Headteacher.


Hair, Jewellery and accessories

  • No jewellery allowed except for a watch and only small, plain studs if children have pierced ears.  These need to be removed by the child during PE.
  • Watches – to be analogue or digital.  No smart watches.  Fitbits are allowed.
  • Hair accessories are to be kept to a discreet minimum and in navy blue - neither large bows nor headbands with decorative pieces are allowed. 
  • Dyed hair or shaved tramlines are not allowed.
  • Nail varnish should not be worn in school.
  • Temporary skin tattoos are not permitted

We reserve the right to confiscate items that are being worn or used inappropriately and can ban unforeseen items that may come under ‘fashion’ items that are not specifically stated in our uniform policy.

Other items

  • Children need a coat for school, school bag, wellies for Forest School and in the summer need a sunhat – all to be provided from home and named.

Pre Loved

We have a large bank of preloved uniform including shoes and coats that have been donated to the school by parents. If you would like any pre-loved uniform please contact the school office detailing the items you would like and the size, if we have anything that matches your request we will send it home with your child, or you can collect it.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name to ensure they can be returned to you if misplaced. 

Please also encourage your child to be responsible for their own items of clothing/personal items and to check lost property if they have lost anything.

If your child does lose an item of clothing then provided it is clearly named it is easy to find and return. Unnamed items are kept in lost property and you are welcome to look through it after school.

Ordering Uniform

Uniform is purchased via ParentPay, you will be given log in details during the admission process. When you order any item, we will receive notification and will process the order within 48 hours (depending on stock levels). Your order will then be given to your child during the school day, or if you are a new parent, we will contact you via email or telephone letting you know your order is ready for collection.