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Our Equality Targets:

As a school we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The general duties are to:

• eliminate discrimination,
• advance equality of opportunity
• foster good relations

We understand the principal of the act and the work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity. For further information, please read our Equalities Statement which is accessible through the policies section under Our School.


Objectives (created July 2021)


Objective 1: To narrow the gap in attainment in reading and writing between children who are PPG and those who are not.

Why – Higher percentages of children who are non-PPG currently achieve age-expected and greater depth then those who are PPG.

How – Each class identifies individual children on Pupil Progress Grids to target support to close the gap. Interventions to support the progress and attainment in reading and writing are primarily aimed at children with SEND and underachieving PPG children.


Objective 2: To raise the percentage of PPG children achieving GDS across reading, writing and maths.

Why – Not enough children who are PPG achieve greater depth in reading, writing or maths.

How – Each class identifies individual children on Pupil Progress Grids to target each term to increase the number of PPG children achieving greater depth. Quality first teaching, interventions and increase adult time will support this progress.


Objective 3: To encourage cultural understanding and awareness of different beliefs between different ethnic groups.

Why – Our school has a high percentage of children who are White British and we want them to be prepared to grow up in a modern Britain.

How – British Values training (PD Day), RE Curriculum coverage, Religious Visits (Covid – dependent), Covering in the RSE and PSHE Curriculum, Awareness Days, Worship topics.


Objective 4: To narrow the gap between MWAS, MWBC and WEUR children in reading, writing and maths

Why – Children who identify as these ethnicities don’t achieve the same percentage age-expected results as their peers who are different ethnicities.

How – PD Day information sharing with all staff, TA training, quality first teaching, additional support in the classroom from teachers and teaching assistants.