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Autumn 2

Our theme for the second autumn half term is Festive Biscuits! This is a design and technology focused unit, based around food technology. We will be having great fun disassembling, exploring and designing and making our own yummy Christmas treats for Santa!


We will be starting the half term exploring shape poetry.  We will then move on to investigating persuasive adverts and will have the chance to create an advert for our own delicious festive biscuits that we have made! We will also be learning to write instructions on how to make our fantastic, festive treats.

Love to Read:

Our quality text this half term will be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.



This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in the following areas: place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division. We will also be practising our times tables every day and regular TT Rockstars practice at home will really benefit the children.


Excitingly, we will be conducting lots of experiments to investigate the properties of light.


What happens at a Gurdwara? This is our big question for RE and we will answer it this half term whilst exploring many different religions.


This half term we will be discussing our hopes and dreams and linking this to the wider world of work by thinking about what skills we might need to reach our aspirations. 


Outdoor PE will be hockey this half term, where we will be learning lots of new skills! Indoor PE will be dance, which will help us with our rhythm!


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language with a focus on 'all about me'.

British Value focus:

Democracy, Individual liberty and the rule of law.

Christian Value focus: 
