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Spring 2

Our unit of work for Spring 2 is a geography unit called Wild Weather. In this unit, we will learn about the reasons we have different types of wild weather by comparing and contrasting different geographical physical features in a European country and in North and South America. We will also compare and contrast human features using terrestrial, aerial and satellite photographs. We will also learn the 8 compass points. Finally, we will create our very own town that will be able to withstand wild weather because of its physical and human features!


Our English genres will relate to our quality text, King of the Cloud Forest by Michael Morpurgo. We will be learning how to write diary entries and will also be focussing on fables and clerihews!

Love to Read:

King of the Cloud Forest by Michael Morpurgo.


As well as consolidating our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, this half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in fractions, length and perimeter.


'Animals including Humans'.

As part of this unit, we will group and classify different foods into the five food groups and identify the nutrients contained in different foods. We will then link this to the human body and identify the main bones in the human skeleton. We will also create a model of the elbow joint and explain how it works and moves!


'What is it like to follow God?' This is the Big Question that we will be exploring in RE this half term. During this unit, children will learn about the story of Noah and make clear links between this and the idea of covenant. As well as this, we will explore the promises in the story and make links to the promises that Christians make at a wedding ceremony.  Finally, we will explore other themes in the story of Noah and make connections to how we live in school and in the wider world.


Outdoor PE will be orienteering this half term and indoor PE will be Invictus.


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language with a focus on 'family and friends'.

British Value focus:

Democracy and Individual Liberty.

Christian Value focus: 
