Spring 1
Our art topic this half term is ‘Under the Sea’, which focuses on sea creatures and animals! We will be learning how to apply and use patterns and textures; learning about tints, shades and brushstrokes; and exploring the work of different artists, who focus on underwater creatures. We will be creating clay sculptures on our school trip to the Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery.
We will be writing biographies and persuasive texts.
Love to Read:
Our text this term will be Nim’s Island by Wendy Orr.
This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in the following areas: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, area and fractions.
This half term, we will be looking at electricity.
Who is Guru Nanak and why is he important to Sikhs?
Outdoor PE will be tennis this half term, learning lots of new skills. Indoor PE will gymnastics.
We will be learning French as our modern foreign language. Our focus for our weekly Forget-Me-Not-French sessions will be colours and hobbies, whilst our MFL Day will focus on ‘Going Shopping’
British Value focus:
Mutual respect and tolerance.
Christian Value focus: