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Spring 2

Our unit of work for Spring 2 is Terrific Tour of the USA! This is an exciting geography unit where we will learn about all the incredible physical and human features of the USA, as well as the Iroquois Tribe.  


We will be looking at myths & legends and non-chronological reports.  

Love to Read:

Our quality text this half term will be The Indian In The Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks.  


This half term we will be focusing on developing the children's knowledge in fractions and decimals.


We will be looking forces and magnets.


What is it like to follow God?

This is our big question for RE which we will be able to answer by the end of the half term.


Outdoor PE will be orienteering this half term and indoor PE will be fitness.  


We will be learning French as our modern foreign language and recapping food and drink in our Forget-Me-Not-French sessions.

British Value focus:

Democracy and Individual Liberty.

Christian Value focus: 
