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Spring 2

Love to Read: This half term, our book is Charlotte’s Web.

Charlotte's Web is a story of friendship, courage, and self-sacrifice. Wilbur is a pig who finds out that he is destined for trouble ahead. His friend, a spider named Charlotte who lives in the doorway of his pigpen, determines to save him; she accomplishes this by spinning words about him in her web.

English: English this half term will begin with writing our own Descriptive Setting story, using Charlotte’s Web as inspiration. This will be followed by writing a non-fiction information text, using the knowledge we build within our Geography lessons. Finally, we will be writing our very own Free Verse Poems.


Geography: This half term, we will be focusing on Geography, specifically the geography of our local area, Telford! We will be learning all about the human and physical geography of Telford and will be comparing it to other places in Europe. We will be developing a range of geographical skills and will be putting these into practice on a trip to the Granville Country Park!


Maths: Throughout this half term, we will be exploring the four main operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), finishing off fractions before delving into decimals and percentages.


RE: Our question for RE this half term is ‘What difference does the resurrection make for Christians’? which leads us nicely on to Easter.


PSHEE: This half term we will be focusing on Healthy Me, learning all about what makes a healthy and happy lifestyle.


PE: Our Indoor PE this half term is types of training while our Outdoor PE is Orienteering.


MFL: Our Modern Foreign Language is French, and we will be learning about food and drink.


Computing: We will be looking at how to create flat-file databases, which links nicely to the data and information we can gather in Geography!


British Value focus: Democracy and Individual Liberty


Christian Value: Thankfulness