Spring Term 2
Our Christian value for this half term is Justice, which we will be learning about in our class worship sessions alongside the RE topic ‘Resurrection’. Reverend Lisa will explore resurrection with the children during one of our RE lessons, where they will have the opportunity to ask questions and explore their own views on this subject.
Our new class text is ‘Framed’, a story about a boy called Dylan Hughes, who inadvertently gets involved in a robbery! This will link to our English unit ‘Historical recounts’ where we explore the robbery of the Mona Lisa and challenge the children’s writing skills with an exciting recount and Newspaper report!
Our focus this half term, will be an art unit called Gallery Rebels, the children will be immersed into the world of Expressionism and Impressionism. We are delighted to be enhancing the children’s development of art skills with a trip to both TPS’s art department and Walsall Art Gallery. The children will be given the opportunity to print in the style of William Morris and whilst visiting the art gallery the children will draw with a resident artist.
In our maths work this half term, we will be focussing on the children’s confidence and boosting them with targeted learning to ensure they feel ready to sit their SATS in May. In PE we have a focus on types of training and orienteering, our PE days will remain the same - indoor PE falls on a Wednesday afternoon and outdoor on a Friday afternoon. Our French studies will focus on ‘This is France’.
We will continue to set reading, spelling and weekly homework for the children. Please can each read your child completes be recorded into their diary (even if this is independent). On the inside cover of their reading diary you will find a strategy sheet that will give you some ideas on how to help your child with their reading skills, along with a weekly slip informing you of which skill we will be developing that week. Homework will be set each Friday and will be expected back in the following Friday unless stated otherwise. TTrockstars is also available for the children to develop their times table knowledge - they can find their log in details on the inside cover of their reading diaries.
Thank you for your continued support. We have been especially appreciative of all the reading at home and your efforts in supporting the children with their homework - Thank you 😊