Reading Offer
‘We shouldn’t teach great books, we should teach a great love of reading’ B.F. Skinner
We will provide a rich and varied English curriculum that ignites our Children’s imagination and empower them to read. Our children will understand how they can influence the world around them, knowing that “all things are possible with God” (Matthew 19:26).
At Wrockwardine Wood Church of England Junior School we highly value reading skills. We believe that they are a cornerstone, not only of education, but of everyday life. Whether it is reading the terms and conditions on a form, a letter from a friend, the news on a website, or a book for university, a day does not go by where we do not read something.
At Wrockwardine Wood C of E Junior School, we aim to make all of our pupils ‘readers’. We aim to ensure a balanced mix of approaches to reading so that our pupils achieve the skills required, a positive attitude, confidence as well as interest and a life-long love of literature. Teachers act as role models in their enthusiasm for both reading and writing by keeping up to date with current children’s literature.
Reading is the first lesson that your child will be taught every day between 9:00 and 9:30 in a lesson called ‘Love to Read’. Children will access a range of books and genres across a spectrum of subjects, from classics up to more contemporary literature.
Teachers read good quality texts to the children as part of their literacy lessons and during story time. All classes have story time at the end of the school day where the children look forward to reading their class text (this is linked to the foundation subject they are studying.)
Some children will be taught Read, Write Inc and will bring home books that help them practise sounds that they have been learning in school. Oxford Reading Tree stage books allow children to grow in confidence with reading independently. After they have worked their way through all the book bands, they will become a 'Free Reader'. There are lots of brilliant books in our library to borrow.
Each class has its own Reading Corner, matched to the children’s ages and interests and we have an exciting library which is available for all children to use. In our school, we will strive to give pupils a stimulating environment, where reading materials are presented in an attractive and inviting way. Furthermore, within Love to Read lessons we create an environment that stimulates the generation of ideas from texts where all ideas are accepted and valued.
The teachers and teaching assistants have been working hard to make sure they have inviting and comfortable reading areas within their classrooms. The children have been enjoying using them to read for pleasure! Here are our lovely reading areas:
Wrocker's Author of the Moment
Autumn Term