Mr Simon Chatwin
Parent Governor
"I'm Simon Chatwin and I am very much looking forward to commencing my role as Parent Governor at WWJS. I have 3 children, two of whom are currently students at the school and my son also attended WWJS before he moved to secondary school 3 years ago. WWJS is a wonderful school that I feel I owe so much to. They have taken, and continue to take, such fantastic care of my children and I could not be more grateful to all the staff for their care, diligence and support in helping my kids through these formative years and giving them a safe, secure place to learn and grow in. Taking on the Governor role allows me the opportunity to show the school my appreciation and help to ensure future generations benefit from their time there as much as my children have/do.
A bit about me I guess! I am a Director at a local structural engineering consultancy called Design4Structures Ltd. I am a qualified Structural Engineer but my path has taken me into management and I now look after a group of over 20 people, most of whom are based in our Telford office. In addition to my managerial duties I also head up our IT department. I develop and maintain our Microsoft 365 systems and am responsible for all hardware and software in the business. I firmly believe IT is such an integral part of life and can benefit people in all aspects of their lives, including the school environment. I have lived in Trench (a stone's throw from the school) for the past 10 years since moving here from Birmingham with my family after wanting to be closer to my place of employment.
In my spare time (what little I have!) I enjoy gardening, gaming and in very rare moments I play the guitar a little as well. I particularly enjoy growing veg - something that earns me the title of 'Farmer' in my daughters' eyes."